What is sporotrichosis?
Sporotrichosis is a fungal infection caused by a fungus called Sporothrix schenckii. It usually infects the skin.Who gets sporotrichosis?
Persons handling thorny plants, sphagnum moss, or baled hay are at increased risk of getting sporotrichosis. Outbreaks have occurred among nursery workers handling sphagnum moss, rose gardeners, children playing on baled hay, and greenhouse workers handling bayberry thorns contaminated by the fungus. A number of cases have recently occurred among nursery workers, especially workers handling sphagnum moss topiaries.Sign and symptoms
The first symptom is a small pink, red or purple painless bump resembling an insect bite. The bump, or lesion, usually appears on the finger, hand or arm where the fungus first entered through a break in the skin. This is followed by the appearance of one or more additional raised bumps or nodules which open and may resemble a boil. Eventually, the skin lesions look like ulcers and are very slow to heal.